Josh Caputo is the Founder, President and CEO of Pittsburgh-based Humotech. He has a background as a multi-disciplinary engineer focused on robotics with degrees in Mechanical Engineering and Electrical & Computer Engineering from Carnegie Mellon University. He discovered the field of prosthetics and orthotics and developed a passion for wearable technology in 2010, within the Experimental Biomechatronics Laboratory, directed by Steve Collins. Caputo’s early work in the field was focused on the study of powered push-off in prosthetic foot and ankle devices, and optimizing the magnitude and timing of push-off. Gradually he became focused on clinical translation, developing methods for optimizing device function that could be used within the clinic. His Ph.D. work laid the foundation for several large-scale and multi-site clinical trials which are now ongoing.
In 2015, Caputo founded Humotech to support these clinical trials, to commercialize what is known as the prosthetic foot emulator, and to support research and development efforts across the field with their wearable robotics platform known as Caplex. Today, the platform is in use in cutting-edge projects across North America and Europe. Ultimately, Caputo’s dream is to see the field expand dramatically in size and innovativeness so that anyone, anywhere can realize their mobility goals.